Over the last 3 days I've whipped up what might pass as an early version of a skeleton for the Quest system. It contains screen handling routines, a parser, attribute/object handling routines and a simple main program which uses the library routines to implement a small 'world'. There is currently no goal to the world other than moving around in it. It accepts the following commands: quit [PUNC] look [around] [PUNC] get [ART] N [PUNC] pick up [ART] N [PUNC] pick [ART] N up [PUNC] drop [ART] N [PUNC] put down [ART] N [PUNC] put [ART] N down [PUNC] DIR [PUNC] where PUNC - '.', '!'; ART - 'the', 'a', 'an', 'one' N - 'sword', 'knife', 'amulet', 'purse', 'bottle' DIR - 'north', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'n', 's', 'e', 'w' Case isn't important, so example commands are: get bottle Put the sword down! N South. The screen format I've used corresponds to what we have discussed earlier: a horizontal line in the middle separates the lower, textual interaction area from the top areas. A vertical line in the middle of the top separates the bird's-eye-view map area from the status area. I've done routines for handling text I/O (with word break), map scenery generation with movable objects and automatic windowing, and status routines for numeric, string and string-list status objects. The code is all Draco code, because that's what was easiest on my system. The files transferred to MTS under id QG8W are: DOC - detailed description of what the routines do Q.G - include file describing the routines to the compiler QMAIN.DRC - source for the main program (scenario) QCRT.DRC - source for the CRT handling routines QPARSE.DRC - source for the parser QLIST.DRC - source for list/attribute/property handlers Files DOC, Q.G and QMAIN.DRC are permitted read to the world. The other three will be permitted to those who want to translate them to MTS/Pascal. Note that I have no intention of doing any of the translation or conversion, but I will offer advice and explanations to those who do it.