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Some Miscellaneous Pictures

May 7, 2013 - wormy tree seed fluff on the ground

April 22, 2013 - a squirrel that let me get close

December 21, 2012 - the living wall in Edmonton's airport

These two pictures were taken a few seconds too late to get the proper effect, which appears to be that of a contrail lining up directly towards the sun. That produces a strong shadow that can be seen below the end of the contrail. When I looked out the window and saw this, the effect was more striking - the black shadow extended further up. By a pretty big coincidence, I saw this same effect later in the same day, from outside. That one was a double shadow from a double contrail. No pictures of that one. Perhaps this relates to the time of year, and so the height of the sun.

Contrail, April 2012

Cool shots of a shuttle launch, as seen from space

A concert in Telus field, early fall 2009

May 27, 2010 - Flowers on spruce trees

Nice yellow Clematis in a garden, July 17

Mushrooms After All of our Rain
First one, July 18
Second, next day - first is mostly dead already

A computer machine room
Along one row
The rows. The previous pic shows the walkway just off-picture to the left

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