City Buildings

This year we had two new models of downtown Edmonton buildings by Andrew - the Peace Hills Trust building and the ATB (Alberta Treasury Board) Place. Also new is Chris M's museum, and 3 new banks from Michel - the BMO (Bank of Montreal), the Union Bank, and the Dominion Bank. Back for another outing are John's Tipton Block, Michel's train station and Al's (unnamed) bank building.

City Overviews
The whole set
From an angle
Down main street
Main street the other way
Slightly different angle
Main street and tracks
Lower buildings

Museum Details
Upper left
Upper center
Upper right
Lower left
Curator's office
Lower right
Parking meter

Other Views
Rear view
Rear view
Rear view
ATB Place rear
Side street, eye level
ATB Place side
ATB Place side

Details, etc.
ATB Place interior
Peace Hills Trust interior
Train station

Midrises I
Union bank
BMO, museum, Union bank
Union bank and Al's bank
Bank view
BMO and museum

Midrises II
Union bank
Museum front
Union bank
Tipton Block

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