
Welcome to www.GraySage.COM. This is a private web site that currently has a few user's pages on it. If you have not already done so, please read my short conditions of use. Here are the pages belonging to the system's owner, Chris Gray.

The only other page here is that of my friend Don Reble.

What does the name of this site mean? Well, a few years ago, my father and I got together to invest in a little real estate (one building). Since he was into wine, he had setup a small company called "Gray Sage Wines" in case he ever sold any. The 'Gray' in the name is our family name, and the 'Sage' comes from the sagebrush to be found growing around the area. When it came time to name our new little partnership, the chosen name was "Gray Sage Holdings". We eventually sold the building, and bought half a dozen lots. When my father passed away, his half went to my mother. So, the domain name 'GraySage.COM' represents our small holding company. We don't offer anything for sale, and there are no web services available here.

Sagebrush image original by Brother Alfred Brousseau.