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Class busrider.MutableJunction


public class MutableJunction
extends Item
This mutable class represents a junction. It is used only while building the Board, and is of no interest to the participant.
A junction has a name, and a mutable collection of segments connecting to it. It may also have a popularity (the likelihood of being selected); if so it is a terminus.
For graphical purposes, it also has x- and y- coordinates.

Constructor Index

MutableJunction(String, int, int, int, int)
constructs an object with the given name, index, popularity, coordinates, and no segments.

Method Index

parse(StringTokenizer, boolean, int)
parses a MutableJunction from a StringTokenizer.


 public MutableJunction(String name,
                        int index,
                        int popul,
                        int px,
                        int py)
constructs an object with the given name, index, popularity, coordinates, and no segments.


 public static MutableJunction parse(StringTokenizer stok,
                                     boolean terminus,
                                     int index)
parses a MutableJunction from a StringTokenizer. If a terminus, the tokens must be: popularity(int), x-coord(int), y-coord(int), name. If a plain junction, the tokens must be: x-coord(int), y-coord(int), name. Initially, the junction has no segments.

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