All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


append(Item). Method in class busrider.ItemCollection
adds the Item to the collection.


BANK_OWNER. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the player-index of the bank, -1.
beginTurn(). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called at the start of the player's turn.
beginTurn(). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
beginTurn(). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
Board(). Constructor for class busrider.Board
constructs an empty board.
BoardBuilder(). Constructor for class busrider.BoardBuilder


chooseDestination(Junction, Junction). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called to let the Strategy choose one of two Destinations.
chooseDestination(Junction, Junction). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
returns null, to let the conductor choose the destination.
chooseDestination(Junction, Junction). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
chooseSegment(int). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called whenever it is the player's turn to move, and the Strategy may choose a Segment to follow.
chooseSegment(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
returns null, to let the conductor choose the path.
chooseSegment(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
convert(). Method in class busrider.BoardBuilder


endGame(int). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
indicates that the game has ended.
endGame(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
endGame(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
endTurn(). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called at the end of the player's turn.
endTurn(). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
endTurn(). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Indexed
compares for index-equality.
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Item
compares for content equality.
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Junction
compares for name-equality.
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Player
compares two objects.
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Route
compares two objects.
equals(Object). Method in class busrider.Segment
compares for content-equality.


FailureException(). Constructor for class busrider.FailureException
default constructor
FailureException(String). Constructor for class busrider.FailureException
constructor with String parm
findName(String). Method in class busrider.ItemCollection
returns the Item with the given name, or null if there isn't one.


Game(String[], Object). Constructor for class busrider.Game
constructs a Game object.
gameIsOver(). Method in class busrider.Game
indicates whether the game is over.
getAjunc(). Method in class busrider.Segment
returns the segment's "A" junction.
getBjunc(). Method in class busrider.Segment
returns the segment's "B" junction.
getBoard(). Method in class busrider.Game
returns the board.
getCash(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the player's cash.
getCash(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's cash, if this PlayerView was delivered to Strategy.startGame(); otherwise returns 0.
getCurrentRoute(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the player's current Route, or null if none.
getCurrentRoute(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's current Route.
getDestination(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the player's destination.
getDestination(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's destination.
getDistanceTraversed(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns the distance already traversed along the Segment, or -1 if at a junction.
getIndex(). Method in class busrider.Indexed
returns the index.
getIndex(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's index.
getInstance(). Static method in class busrider.Game
returns the instance of the Game.
getItem(int). Method in class busrider.ItemCollection
returns the idx'th element of the collection.
getJunction(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns the location's junction, or null if within a segment.
getJunction(int). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the idx'th junction.
getJunctionQuan(). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the number of junctions.
getKind(). Method in class busrider.Purchase
returns the kind.
getLength(). Method in class busrider.Segment
returns the segment's length.
getLocation(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the location of the player.
getLocation(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns a copy of the player's location.
getName(). Method in class busrider.Item
returns the name.
getName(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's name.
getNextJunction(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns the "moving to" junction of the location, or null if at a junction.
getOrigin(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the player's origin.
getOrigin(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
returns the player's terminus of origin.
getOther(Junction). Method in class busrider.Segment
given one of the two endpoint junctions, returns the other.
getOwner(Route). Method in class busrider.Game
returns the index of the player who owns the given route, or BANK_OWNER if the bank owns it.
getPayoff(Junction, Junction). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the payoff for a trip from one terminus to another.
getPlayers(Object). Method in class busrider.Game
a way for the GameApplet to view the players.
getPlayerView(int). Method in class busrider.Game
returns a view of a player.
getPopularity(). Method in class busrider.Junction
returns the junction's popularity.
getPrevJunction(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns the "moving from" junction of the location, or null if at a junction.
getPrice(). Method in class busrider.Route
returns the price.
getPX(). Method in class busrider.Junction
returns the junction's X-coordinate.
getPY(). Method in class busrider.Junction
returns the junction's Y-coordinate.
getQuan(). Method in class busrider.ItemCollection
returns the number of objects in the collection.
getRoute(). Method in class busrider.Purchase
returns the route, or null if none.
getRoute(). Method in class busrider.Segment
returns the segment's route.
getRoute(int). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the idx'th route.
getRouteQuan(). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the number of routes.
getSegment(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns the location's segment, or null if at a junction.
getSegment(int). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the idx'th segment.
getSegment(int). Method in class busrider.Junction
returns the idx'th segment connecting to the junction.
getSegment(int). Method in class busrider.Route
returns the idx'th segment.
getSegmentQuan(). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the number of segments.
getSegmentQuan(). Method in class busrider.Junction
returns the number of segments connecting to the junction.
getSegmentQuan(). Method in class busrider.Route
returns the number of segments.
getStrategy(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns the player's Strategy.
getTotalPopularity(). Method in class busrider.Board
returns the total popularity of all termini.
getWinnerIndex(). Method in class busrider.Game
indicates who won, if anyone.


incrementCash(int). Method in class busrider.Player
adds a value to the player's cash.
Indexed(int). Constructor for class busrider.Indexed
constructs an object.
INITIAL_CASH. Static variable in class busrider.Game
The initial cash of a player, $40.
initialize(Junction). Method in class busrider.Player
initializes a player, to the given terminus; cash=INITIAL_CASH; speed=slow; currentRoute=none.
isBankrupt(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
indicates whether the player is bankrupt.
isFast(). Method in class busrider.Player
indicates whether the player is fast (has a Right-of-Way.)
isFast(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
indicates whether the player is fast (throws three dice).
isTerminus(). Method in class busrider.Junction
indicates whether the junction is a terminus.
isWealthy(). Method in class busrider.PlayerView
indicates whether the player has at least Game.WEALTHY_CASH cash.
Item(String, int). Constructor for class busrider.Item
constructs an object.
ItemCollection(). Constructor for class busrider.ItemCollection
constructs an empty collection.


Junction(MutableJunction, BoardBuilder). Constructor for class busrider.Junction
constructs an object like the given MutableJunction.
junctions. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The Junctions, after the board is built.


LARGE_FARE. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the fare of a opponent-owned route, $20.
loadBoard(String). Static method in class busrider.Board
produces a board from a file.
Location(Junction). Constructor for class busrider.Location
constructs a location at the given junction.
Location(Location). Constructor for class busrider.Location
copies a Location.


main(String[]). Static method in class busrider.Game
runs the game.
move(int, Route[]). Method in class busrider.Player
moves the player toward his destination, according to the segments chosen by the strategy.
MutableJunction(String, int, int, int, int). Constructor for class busrider.MutableJunction
constructs an object with the given name, index, popularity, coordinates, and no segments.
MutableRoute(String, int, int). Constructor for class busrider.MutableRoute
constructs an object with the given name, and price, and no segments.
MutableSegment(MutableJunction, MutableJunction, int, MutableRoute). Constructor for class busrider.MutableSegment
constructs an object with the given junctions, length, and route.
mutjuncs. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The MutableJunctions, before the board is built.
mutroutes. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The MutableRoutes, before the board is built.
mutsegs. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The MutableSegments, before the board is built.


noteArrival(Board). Method in class busrider.Player
notes the players arrival at a destination.


parse(StringTokenizer, boolean, int). Static method in class busrider.MutableJunction
parses a MutableJunction from a StringTokenizer.
parse(StringTokenizer, int). Static method in class busrider.MutableRoute
parses a MutableRoute from a StringTokenizer.
parse(StringTokenizer, ItemCollection). Static method in class busrider.MutableSegment
parses a routeless segment from a StringTokenizer.
pickSegment(int, Junction, Junction, Route). Static method in class busrider.Router
picks the next segment to traverse.
Player(String, int, Strategy, Junction). Constructor for class busrider.Player
creates a player, with the given name, index, strategy, and initial terminus; cash=INITIAL_CASH; speed=slow; currentRoute=none.
playerIsFast(int). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called whenever a player buys a Right-of-way.
playerIsFast(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
playerIsFast(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
PlayerView(Player, boolean). Constructor for class busrider.PlayerView
creates a PlayerView.
playStep(Object). Method in class busrider.Game
a way for the GameApplet to advance the game one step.
Purchase(int, Route). Constructor for class busrider.Purchase
constructs an object of the given kind and route.


receiveFare(int, int). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called whenever someone pays this player for riding on his routes.
receiveFare(int, int). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
receiveFare(int, int). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
resetGame(Object, int). Method in class busrider.Game
a way for the GameApplet to reset the game.
RIGHT_OF_WAY. Static variable in class busrider.Purchase
kind codes: ROUTE, RIGHT_OF_WAY.
RIGHT_OF_WAY_COST. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the cost of a Right-of-way, $60.
ROUTE. Static variable in class busrider.Purchase
kind codes: ROUTE, RIGHT_OF_WAY.
Route(MutableRoute, BoardBuilder). Constructor for class busrider.Route
constructs an object like the given MutableRoute, with the given index.
Router(). Constructor for class busrider.Router
routes. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The Routes, after the board is built.


Segment(MutableSegment, BoardBuilder). Constructor for class busrider.Segment
constructs an object like the MutableSegment parameter.
segments. Variable in class busrider.BoardBuilder
The Segments, after the board is built.
setDestination(Junction). Method in class busrider.Player
sets the player's destination to dest.
setSegment(Segment). Method in class busrider.Location
sets the location's segment.
setSpeed(boolean). Method in class busrider.Player
sets the player's speed.
SMALL_FARE. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the fare of a bank-owned route, $2.
startGame(Game, PlayerView). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
indicates that a game is starting.
startGame(Game, PlayerView). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
startGame(Game, PlayerView). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
StrategyAdapter(). Constructor for class busrider.StrategyAdapter
StrategyWrapper(Strategy). Constructor for class busrider.StrategyWrapper


toString(). Method in class busrider.Location
returns a string representation.
toString(). Method in class busrider.Player
returns a string representation of the player.
toString(). Method in class busrider.Segment
returns a string representation.
transferRoute(int). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called whenever a route changes ownership, after the change.
transferRoute(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
transferRoute(int). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
travel(int). Method in class busrider.Location
moves the location along a segment.


WEALTHY_CASH. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the amount of cash needed to be wealthy, 3/4 of WINNING_CASH.
WINNING_CASH. Static variable in class busrider.Game
the amount of cash needed to win, $500.


youAreBroke(). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called near the end of a player's turn, when his cash is negative, and the player has nothing to sell.
youAreBroke(). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
does nothing.
youAreBroke(). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
youArrived(). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called to inform the player of his arrival at his destination.
youArrived(). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
returns null, to purchase nothing.
youArrived(). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper
youMustSell(). Method in interface busrider.Strategy
called near the end of a player's turn, when his cash is negative.
youMustSell(). Method in class busrider.StrategyAdapter
returns null, to let the conductor choose the sale.
youMustSell(). Method in class busrider.StrategyWrapper